Investing (For investors)

How to participate in a Presale

You can join any Presale on Kibble by following the instructions below:

Step 1: Go to All Launchpads and sort by "Opening" status.

Step 2: Hover all the launchpads and click and the presale you want to join.

Step 3: Check all relevant information carefully before buying.

Step 4: To buy the presale, insert the amount of BNB (BUSD/USDT/USDC) you want to buy in the β€œAmount” section. Finally, click on the β€œBuy Now” button. Your wallet will now ask you to confirm the transaction. It will also show you the fee you must pay for that transaction. If you agree, click the β€œConfirm” button to finish the process.

After buying successfully, you will see the changes in the β€œAmount" and β€œYour Purchases" sections.

How to claim your tokens?

You can claim your presale tokens when all the below conditions are met:

  • The presale ended, and you joined the pool successfully.

  • The presale has been finalized (which means higher than the soft cap).

  • The listing and claiming time have been set.

You can claim your purchased presale tokens by following the instructions below:

Step 1: Go to the Launchpad list, click the β€œJoined Launchpad" section, and find the Presale pool you want to claim.

Step 2: Once the β€œClaim token” button lights up, you can claim your tokens. The number of tokens you can claim will also be shown next to the β€œClaim token” button.

Step 3: Your wallet will now ask you to confirm the transaction. It will also show you the fee you must pay for that transaction. If you agree, click the β€œConfirm” button to finish the process.

Step 4: Check your wallet balance to see the presale tokens.

How to withdraw your fund?

After participating in the presale successfully, the withdraw contribute will show up in the following cases:

  • Join pool time ended, did not finalize yet, users have not refunded and the total raised fund < Softcap.

  • The presale has been finalized and the total raised fund < Softcap.

  • The presale has been canceled.

You can use the withdraw contribute by following the steps below:

Step 1: Go to the Launchpad list, click on the β€œJoined Launchpad" section, and find the Presale pool that you can withdraw.

Step 2: Click on the β€œWithdraw Contribute" button.

Step 3: Your wallet will now ask you to confirm the transaction. It will also show you the fee you must pay for that transaction. If you agree, click the β€œConfirm” button to finish the process.

Step 4: Check the balance in your wallet.

Last updated